album shangrilas

les albums de shangrilas

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The Best of The Shangri-Las

102:19Remember (Walkin' in the Sand)
202:51Leader of the Pack
302:37Right Now and Not Later
402:53Long Live Our Love
502:44Out in the Streets
602:41Past, Present and Future
703:04He Cried
802:11Give Him a Great Big Kissoui
903:13I Can Never Go Home Anymore
1002:12So Much in Love
1100:55Goodnight My Love
1202:23Never Again
1303:35I'm Blue
1403:01What's a Girl Supposed to Do
1502:24You Cheated, You Lied
1602:47The Boy
1702:25It's Easier to Cry
1902:22What Is Love
2001:35Hate to Say I Told You So