album inconnu

les albums de inconnu

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世纪乐典 中国古筝名曲典藏·壹

100:00高山流水 High Mountains and Flowing Waters
200:00'鸦戏水 Jackdaws Playing in the Water
300:00打雁 The Wild Goose Hunting
400:00渔舟唱晚 Fishermen's Song at Eventide
500:00莺啭黄鹂 The Singing Oriole
600:00出水莲 Lotus Out of Sludge
700:00海'拿鹤 The Eagle Catching the Swan
800:00秋思 Autumn Reflections
900:00夜静銮铃 Horse-Bells Ringing at Night
1000:00陈杏元'番 Chen Xingyuan, an Envoy for Peace
1100:00迎宾客 Welcome for Guests
1200:00柳'娘 Lady Green Willow (Liu Qingniang)
1300:00闹元宵 Celebration of the Lantern Festival