album inconnu

les albums de inconnu

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世纪乐典 中国笛子名曲典藏·壹

100:00喜相逢 Joyful Reunion
200:00五梆子 Wu-Bang-zi
300:00荫中鸟 Birds in the Shade
400:00卖菜 Hawking Vegetables
500:00鹧鸪飞 Partridges Flying
600:00梅花三弄 Three Variations on the Plum Blossoms
700:00姑苏行 A Trip to Gusu
800:00牧民新歌 A New Song of the Herdsmen
900:00山村迎亲人 The Mountain Village Welcomes Dear People
1000:00小放牛 A Young Buffalo Boy
1100:00牧笛 Pastoral Flute
1200:00枣园春色 Spring in the Date Garden
1300:00布谷鸟来了 Here Come the Cuckoos
1400:00扬鞭催马运粮忙 Delivering Public Grain with Horse Carts