tablature stan rogers

Tablature the white collar holler - Stan Rogers

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The White Collar Holler, Stan Rogers, #2784296

Stan Rogers
The White Collar Holler

#2784296 - The White Collar Holler Guitare
Between the Breaks… Live! de stan rogers
Album : Between the Breaks… Live!
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From: Barrie McCombs <> THE WHITE COLLAR HOLLER Time: 2/4 Tenor: E Bass: E - Nigel Russell, 1979 - Record: Stan Rogers: Between The Breaks (acapella) 1 * * * Well, I rise up in the morning at a quarter to eight * * 4 57 Some woman, who's my wife, tells me not to be late 1 * * * I kiss the kids good-bye, I can't re-member their names * * 6 57 And week after week, well it's always the same CHORUS (AFTER EVERY VERSE): * * * * 4 57 And it's ho boys___, can't you code it, ugh, and program it right 1 * * 57 Nothin' ever happens in this life of mine 1 * 57 1 * * I'm hauling up the data on the Xerox line_______ 1 * * * Then it's code in the data, give the keyboard a punch * * 4 57 Then cross-corre-late and a break for some lunch 1 * * * Correlate, tabulate, process and screen * * 6 57 Program, printout, re-gress to the mean 1 * * * Then it's home again, eat again, watch some T. V. * * 4 57 Make love to my woman at ten-fifty-three 1 * * * I dream the same dream when I'm sleeping at night * * 6 57 I'm flyin' over the hills, just like an eagle in flight 1 * * * Some-day I'm gonna give up all the buttons and things * * 4 57 I'll punch that time clock till it can't ring 1 * * * Burn up my necktie and set myself free * * 6 57 'Cause no-one's gonna fold, bend, or mutilate me ENDING: CHORUS TWICE NOTES: - Stan Rogers sings acapella SYMBOLS: - Asterisk (*) = new measure, play same chord - Period (.) = 1/8 note rest at start of a measure - Underline(_) = sustain note into next measure CHORDS (Number System): - Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Key of C: C D E F G A B - Detailed description: /pub/guitar/other_stuff/numbering_system.txt - Submitted by: Barrie McCombs ( ======================================================== The white collar holler, de Stan rogers ========================================================

C chord
F chord
G chord
D chord
E chord
A chord
B chord

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