tablature stan rogers

Tablature sailors rest - Stan Rogers

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Sailors Rest, Stan Rogers, #2784284

Stan Rogers
Sailors Rest

#2784284 - Sailors Rest Guitare
From: Barrie McCombs <> SAILOR'S REST Time: 4/4 (sync) Tenor: G Bass: G - Stan Rogers, 1982, on: Home in Halifax INTRO: 1, 4, *, 1 1 5 1 4 * It's acrimony down in the card-room, with winning hands thrown on the baize 5 * 4 5 For-gotten cards wait on the end of debate on the good old days 17 * 4 2?? Captains and mates gettin' tes-ty, with memories not of the best 1 4 * 1 And tempers are flyin', down at the Sailor's Rest 1 5 1 4 * Blue eyes in wrinkled Mo-rocco, still search the horizon for squalls 5 * 4 5 And Zeroes in the sky, and the watchkeeper's eye, and the pawnshop balls 17 * 4 2?? The spice in the wind off of Java, and the bars in Papeete were best 1 4 * 1 But the deck is too steady, down at the Sailor's Rest CHORUS ONE: 5 * 17 4 And, oh____ how they talked of the day they'd ar-rived 6m 4 2m 5 When after the years, all the storms and the tears, still very much a-live 5 * 17 4 And, oh____ how their lives were spilled out on the floor 6m 2m >From the battered old seabags, the journals and logs / 6m 27 And the keepsakes locked in the chests 1 4 * 1 That were stowed in the attic, down at the Sailor's Rest 1 5 1 4 * No rail on the messroom table, and you're dead if you spit on the floor 5 * 4 5 No grog allowed, no singin' too loud, and no locks on the doors 17 * 4 2?? But there's always a fire in the card room, and the tucker is always the best 1 4 * 1 And they'll end it together, down at the Sailor's Rest CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO NOTES: SAILOR'S REST (PAGE TWO) CHORUS TWO: 5 * 17 4 And, oh____ how they talked of the day they'd ar-rived 6m 4 2m 5 When after the years, all the storms and the tears, still very much a-live 5 * 17 4 And, oh____ how their lives were spilled out on the floor 6m 2m >From the battered old seabags, the journals and logs / 6m 27 / And the keepsakes locked in the chests 1 4 * 1 That were sold at the auction, down at the Sailor's Rest 1 5 1 4 * So it's acrimony down in the card-room, with winning hands thrown on the baize 5 * 4 5 For-gotten cards wait on the end of debate on the good old days 17 * 4 2?? Captains and mates gettin' tes-ty, with memories not of the best 1 4 * 1 But they'll end it together', down at the Sailor's Rest ENDING (SLOWLY): 1 5 1 It's acrimony down in the card-room SYMBOLS: - Asterisk (*) = new measure, play same chord - Period (.) = 1/8 note rest at start of a measure - Underline(_) = sustain note into next measure CHORDS (Number System): - Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Key of C: C D E F G A B - Detailed description: /pub/guitar/other_stuff/numbering_system.txt - Submitted by: Barrie McCombs ( ======================================================== Sailors rest, de Stan rogers ========================================================

C chord
F chord
G chord
D chord
E chord
A chord
B chord

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sailors rest stan rogers tab

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