tablature sinead o connor

Tablature nothing compares to u - Sinead O Connor

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Nothing Compares To U, Sinead O Connor, #2809560

Sinead O Connor
Nothing Compares To U

#2809560 - Nothing Compares To U Guitare
sur 1 avis
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got de sinead o connor
Album : I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
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NOTHING COMPARES TO U (Sinnead O'CONNOR) [F]It's been seven hours and [C] fifteen days [Dm]Since u took your love away [F][C] [F]I go out every night and [C] sleep all day [Dm]Since u took your love away [F][C] [F]Since u been gone I can do what-[C]ever I want [Dm]I can see whomever I choose [F][C] [F]I can eat my dinner in a fancy [C]restaurant But [Dm] nothing, I said nothing can take a-[A]way these blues 'Cos [Eb]nothing com-[Bb]pares [Eb]Nothing com-[Bb]pares 2 [C]u It's been so lonely without u here Like a bird without a song Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling Tell me baby where did I go [Bb] wrong? I could put my arms around every boy I see But they only remind me of u I went to the doctor and guess what he told me Guess what he told me He said: "Girl u better try to have fun no matter what u do" But he's a fool 'Cos nothing compares [Dm]Nothing com-[C]pares 2U Bridge (sur couplet) All the flowers that u planted mama in the back yard All died when u went away I know that living with u baby was sometimes hard But I'm willing 2 give u another try 'Cos nothing compares [Dm]Nothing com- [C]pares 2U (x 3) ======================================================== Nothing compares to u, de Sinead o connor ========================================================

Eb chord
Bb chord
Dm chord
C chord
A chord
F chord

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un inconnu

le 01/01/2004 00:00:00

Voici la vraie partition, ŕ la bonne tonalité, et avec toutes les modulations... Enjoy ! wobble

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Nothing compares to u sinead o connor tab

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