tablature paul overstreet

Tablature sowing love - Paul Overstreet

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Sowing Love, Paul Overstreet, #2782693

Paul Overstreet
Sowing Love

#2782693 - Sowing Love Guitare
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # From: sboyte <> Date: Wednesday, June 03, 1998 9:59 AM Subject: 'Sowing Love' - Paul Overstreet 'Sowing Love' - Paul Overstreet Intro - A - E - B - E A I use to love to walk behind my daddy B E As he plowed our garden every spring A A little care feet in the dirt would make me happy B E As we talked about what harvest time would bring A He'd say son this whole world is like a garden B E And what you sow your surely gonna reap A Where bitter seeds are planted hearts will harden B E But a caring hand will make the heart as sweet CHORUS: A E And he (she; they) was sowing love for the family B E Em He (she; they) was sowing love, he (she; they) took a little extra time A E Looking forward to a bountiful harvest B E Like a good father (momma) does he (she) was sowing love (3. They took good care of us they were sowing love) LEAD A - E - B - E And how I use to love and sit and watch my momma Working with her needle and her thread So patiently she'd listen to our problems And we knew she heard every word we said She'd say "children this old world is full of scratches And in your life your bound to have a few" I guess that's why the good Lord gave us patches So we could start each day out feeling new CHORUS 2 CHORUS 3 Yeah they did it all for us they were sowing love ======================================================== Sowing love, de Paul overstreet ========================================================

Em chord
E chord
A chord
B chord

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