tablature one minute silence

Tablature fish out of water ver2 - One Minute Silence

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Fish Out Of Water Ver2, One Minute Silence, #2805898

One Minute Silence
Fish Out Of Water Ver2

#2805898 - Fish Out Of Water Ver2 Guitare
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Song:Fish Out Of Water Band:One Minute Silence Music:One Minute Silence Lyrics:Yap Tabber:Human5 Okay, I must confess, I stole parts of the tab from AJ. I stole the Chours, Fill, and Verse. He did a great job tabbing it out too. But I changed it up a bit and put it in a different tunning. Tunning. 1-C# 2-G# 3-E 4-B 5-F# 6-B Fucked up tunning explination down below. This is the same tunning that Sevendust uses on Denile and after I learned to play that I just kept my guitar in that tunning. I kind of liked it. For some reason. I d-tunned my guitar useing my effects box which can double as a tunner. INTRO g1-Clean 3|---4h5-6---5--|---4h5-6---5---4-| 4|-0-------3----|-0-------3---2---| g2-Clean with some odd effect to it. It's like an echo. {I just use Flanger for the echo} 3|-5------------|-5---------------| 4|-------3------|-------3---------| Chours g1&2-Heavy Distortion 5|-7h8-8-8-/-2-2h3-3--6-6-|-7h8-8-8-/-2-2h3-3-/-1-1-| 6|-7h8-8-8-/-2-2h3-3--6-6-|-7h8-8-8-/-2-2h3-3-/-1-1-| Verse1 g1-play same riff as g2 intro {with faster echo towards the end} g2-clean 3|-5-5-5-------5-5-5-------5h6p5-5| 4|-------3-3-3-------3-3-3--------| pm...................... Verse2 g1&2-Heavy Distortion 4|---------5-| 5|-7-5-3-0-3-| 6|-7-5-3-0---| pm Fill1 {right before verse3} g1&2-Heavy Distortion 5|-8-8-8-4-4-4-| 6|-8-8-8-4-4-4-| Verse3 g1&2 5|-8-8-8-4-4-4-6-6-6-3-3-3-| 6|-8-8-8-4-4-4-6-6-6-3-3-3-| Fill2 {played after Verse3} g1&2-Heavy Distortion 4|-----7-6---------| 5|-5-5-----7-6-5-4-| Chours Fill for g2 {Played during the last chours} 3|6-6-6-68-8-8-810-10-10-1012-12-12-12 4|XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5|4-4-4-46-6-6-6-8--8--8--810-10-10-10 That's the tab and here's the Lyrics. It's not gonna be 100% right. I just figured it out while listing to the c.d. at school and thinking what I would play then I got home and played it and it sound alright. Fish Out Of Water I'm done with yesterday, tomorrow I will drop today I cannot operate on what I can and cannot say I put my foot in it - tomorrow is another day Some you win some you lose, the fish are out of water You're bringing me down! - Loser You're bringing me down! - Loser I too have swallowed it, the promise of a better day And blind is one thing but now the picture is grey A little negative, but negative is how we play Some you win, some you lose The fish are out of water You're bringing me down! - Loser You're bringing me down! I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn around again, yeah I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone Some you win, some you lose The fish are out of water Oh, I guess I'm ready, I'm as ready as I'll ever be It comes when it comes, it comes for everybody Make no mistake about it, it will come for you Some you win, some you lose The fish are out of water You're bringing me down! - Loser You're bringing me down! - Loser You do what you do, let me do what I do I'm gonna do it anyway, so why not do it too And what if 'what if' turns out to be 'that's it for you'? Some you win some you lose The fish are out of water You're bringing me down! - Loser You're bringing me down! I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn around again, yeah I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone Some you win, some you lose The fish are out of water Me again, it's me again Ain't I what the whole world wants to be? Me again, it's me again Last of the great pretenders my friend Me again, it's me again Ain't I what the whole world wants to be? Me again, it's me again Last of the great pretenders my friend I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn around again, yeah I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone I turn it on again and you're gone Some you win, some you lose Can anybody hear me? Loser Loser Loser That's gotta hurt I'll figure out how to get the tunning evntually. But here's an idea on how to get it. For a 6 string in standerd tunning it goes something like this (e-B-G-D-A-E) For a 7 string acting like a 6 string it goes something like this (b-G-D-A-E-B) {Hint to get a 7 string tunning just tune the e string to be like a B then the B to a G and so on} To get the #'s and others just tune the E string (in 7 string) up to where you are able to play barre cords. This is relitively simple. Just act like you're d-tunnig your guitar but insted of tunning down, you'll be tunning up. ======================================================== Fish out of water - ver2, de One minute silence ========================================================

G chord
E chord
A chord
B chord

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Fish out of Water - ver2 one minute silence tab

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