tablature oingo boingo

Tablature hey - Oingo Boingo

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Hey, Oingo Boingo, #2782716

Oingo Boingo

#2782716 - Hey Guitare
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Song: Hey! Artist: Oingo Boingo Album: Boingo / Farewell Live Halloween 1995 Written by: Danny Elfman Tabbed by: This is just a simple rhythm based on all the basic chords. Feel free to add solos and riffs. Since there are three guitars being played it is incredibly difficult to differentiate what you here. Intro: The intro is a hideous beast. I can't really give you anything firm, except that it's based around D, E, and G. The main "verse" progression begins to come in, which is: E -------------------------- B -------------------------- G -------------------------- D -2----x----2-5-5-5-5-2---- A -2----x----2-5-5-5-5-2---- E -0----x----0-3-3-3-3-0---- and that just repeats a bunch, E and G. Occassionally this will pop up in the verse: E ---------------------------------------------------- B ---------------------------------------------------- G ---------------------------------------------------- D -7---7-5--5-5-5--5-7---7---7-5-5-5---5--8--8--7--7-- A -7---7-5--5-5-5--5-7---7---7-5-5-5---5--8--8--7--7-- E -5---5-3--3-3-3--3-5---5---5-3-3-3---3--6--6--5--5-- And then, the last time around right before the chorus: E -------------------------------------------------------------- B -------------------------------------------------------------- G -------------------------------------------------------------- D -7---7-5--5-5-5--5-7---7---7-5-5-5---5--8--8--7--7--5--5---4-- A -7---7-5--5-5-5--5-7---7---7-5-5-5---5--8--8--7--7--5--5---4-- E -5---5-3--3-3-3--3-5---5---5-3-3-3---3--6--6--5--5--3--3---2-- And then, the chorus: E ---------------------------------------------------- B ---------------------------------------------------- G ---------------------------------------------------- D -2----------5----------8--------2------5----/8----- A -2----------5----------8--------2------5----/8----- E -0----------3----------6--------0------3----/6----- After that part of the chorus, it goes into that "What I really want is all those things that I can't have..." part, which is rather odd. It has a lot of "noise" guitars; the only real chord progression that I can determine is this, which is based on C and A#. You can hear it est on the Farewell version, at about 6:56 E -------------------------- B -------------------------- G -5-x-5-x-5-x-3---3-3-3-3-- D -5-x-5-x-5-x-3---3-3-3-3-- A -3-x-3-x-3-x-1---1-1-1-1-- E -------------------------- oh, and BTW, those x's signify a muted strum, incase you couldn't figure that out. And all that's left, aside from an enormous amount of really complicated solos and basslines, is the "please, mama..." part, which I have no idea what that is. :) Like I said, this song is just incredibly complex. If anyone else knows more parts, has corrections, etc, I would really love to hear them and I'll try to update this thing. ======================================================== Hey, de Oingo boingo ========================================================

G chord
C chord
E chord
A chord
D chord
B chord

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hey oingo boingo tab

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