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Tablature wendy under the stars - Odds

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Wendy Under The Stars, Odds, #2782578

Wendy Under The Stars

#2782578 - Wendy Under The Stars Guitare
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------## # From: Mike Farnworth <> Subject: tab for 'Wendy under the Stars' (Odds) Greetings fellow Odds fans! Here's my transcription to 'Wendy Under the Stars': "Wendy Under the Stars" - By the Odds. Written by Steven Drake. Taken from the album 'Neopolitan'. All songs published by Virgin Music. ***all chords standard 'folk' positions. No barre chords. Use an electric (one or two), clean, although it gets crunchy later in the song. Intro: G G/C [the G/C is made by keeping the G root but adding E(2nd fret D-string) and C(1st fret B-string)] Verses: Em F Em F D C D C / Em F Am G D C Em F Chorus: G Em F G G/C G G/C ***And that's it! Just go in this order: intro, verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, verse 3, chorus (outro). The lyrics are: I was sitting there watching TV Wendy came and sat on my knee She put her finger in my ear But I pulled it out so I could hear What the newsman on the television said He said the king of rock & roll was dead And in the spooky television light She said, "Don't ever forget this night" Chorus: I was fucking Wendy under the stars, the night that Elvis died As walked across the dew wet field I never ever thought she would yield To my young body's aching desire For an older woman's well banked fire By the left hand I was led To the place that we would make our bed And embracing in the blue moonlight She said, "Don't ever forget this night" Chorus She was 31, I was 17 I found out then what passion could mean I thought I loved her but I didn't know how I don't love her when I see her know With the tape deck turned up loud She made a young man strong and proud And in the coolness of the morning light She said, "Don't ever forget this night" Chorus ======================================================== Wendy under the stars, de Odds ========================================================

G/C chord
Am chord
Em chord
G chord
C chord
D chord
F chord

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