tablature counting crows

Tablature raininginbaltimore - Counting Crows

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Raininginbaltimore, Counting Crows, #2779652

Counting Crows

#2779652 - Raininginbaltimore Guitare
Album : August and Everything After
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{t:RAINING IN BALTIMORE} {st:Counting Crows} This [Dm]circus is [Bb]falling [C]down on its [Am7]knees The [Dm]big top is [F]crumbling [C]down [Am] It's [Dm]raining in [Bb]Baltimore [C]fifty miles [Am7]east Where you [Dm]should be, [Bb]no one's a[C]round [Am] I need a [Bb]phone call I need a [Bb]raincoat I need a [Bb]big love I need a [Bb]phone call These train conversations are passing me by And I don't have nothing to say You get what you pay for But I just had no intention of living this way I need a phone call I need a plane ride I need a sunburn I need a raincoat [C]And I get no [Bb]answers [C]And I don't get no [Bb]change [C]It's raining in [Bb]Baltimore, [F]baby [C]But everything [F]else is the [C]same There's things I remember and things I forget I miss you I guess that I should Three thousand five hundred miles away But what would you change if you could? I need a phone call Maybe I should buy a new car I can always hear a freight train If I listen real hard And I wish it was a small world Because I'm lonely for the big towns I'd like to hear a little guitar I think it's time to put the top down I need a phone call I need a raincoat ======================================================== Raininginbaltimore, de Counting crows ========================================================

Am7 chord
Bb chord
Am chord
Dm chord
C chord
F chord

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