tablature counting crows

Tablature rain king - Counting Crows

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Rain King, Counting Crows, #2703

Counting Crows
Rain King

#2703 - Rain King Guitare
Album : August and Everything After
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# Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 15:56:18 -0500 From: Jay Collins <> Subject: TAB: Rain King by Counting Crows "Rain King" by Counting Crows -This TAB file you're looking at is my attempt to illustrate how "Rain King" is played. Send all questions, comments, inquries, supeonas and please no flames to: Chords used: D(open): 000232 G(open): 320003 A(open): 002220 A/C#(open): 032220 Esus: 022200 B-(power chord): 024400 E(open): 022100 * I'm leaving it up to you to incorporate the chords of this song into the rythm. It's not hard. The song is fairly easy and comes in parts: Part 1: (Verse) D A/C# B- A E---2------------0------------------0------------------0---------------------| B---3------------2------------------0------------------2---------------------| G---2------------2------------------4------------------2---------------------| D---0------------2------------------4------------------2---------------------| A---0------------3------------------2------------------0---------------------| E---0------------0------------------0------------------0---------------------| * When Adam starts to sing it's the same verse(part 1) just more quiet. Part 2: (Bridge) *Hit the bass line of these two chords lightly and then pick through the last three notes. The B- and the G in the bridge is played twice before the chorus comes in, the rest is only played once. B- G D Esus E E----------0-----------------1---------2--------0-----------0----------------| B----------0-----------------0---------3--------0-----------0----------------| G----------4-----------------0---------2--------2-----------3----------------| D----------4-----------------0---------0--------2-----------2----------------| A----------2-----------------2---------0--------2-----------2----------------| E----------0-----------------3---------0--------0-----------0----------------| Part 3: (Chorus) A B- D E E-------0----------0---------2--------0--------------------------------------| B-------2----------0---------3--------0--------------------------------------| G-------2----------4---------3--------3--------------------------------------| D-------2----------4---------0--------2--------------------------------------| A-------0----------2---------0--------2--------------------------------------| E-------0----------0---------0--------0--------------------------------------| ***Here the verse and the bridge are repeated once again** Part 4:(Bridge 2) *You have to pick through all 3 chords here. B- D A E-------0--------------2-----------------0-----------------------------------| B-------0--------------3-----------------2-----------------------------------| G-------4--------------2-----------------2-----------------------------------| D-------4--------------0-----------------2-----------------------------------| A-------2--------------0-----------------0-----------------------------------| E-------0--------------0-----------------0-----------------------------------| *** From here on the chorus and bridge 1 is repeated again** Simple. Ta da! Jay Collins -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The difference between the perfect world and the almost-perfect world, is like the difference between fire and the firefly. -Mark Twain- Jeremy Collins ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ======================================================== Rain king, de Counting crows ========================================================

Esus chord
G chord
D chord
E chord
A chord

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rain king counting crows tab

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