tablature counting crows

Tablature perfectbluebuildings - Counting Crows

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Perfectbluebuildings, Counting Crows, #2779653

Counting Crows

#2779653 - Perfectbluebuildings Guitare
Album : August and Everything After
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{t:Perfect Blue Buildings} {st:Counting Crows} {sot} Intro pattern (repeat 2x)** Dm E|--------------------1---------| **also play at end of first chorus B|------------------3---3----3--| G|---------------2---------2----| D|--0-(let ring)----------------| A|------------------------------| E|------------------------------| {eot} [Dm]Just down the [C]street from your [Bb]hotel, baby [Dm]I stay at [C]home with my [Bb]disease [Dm]And ain't this [C]position fa[Bb]miliar, darling [Dm]Well, all monkeys [C]do what they [Bb]see [Gm]Help me stay awake, I'm fa[Bb]lling... Down on Virginia and La Loma Where I got friends who'll care for me You got an attitude of everything I ever wanted I got an attitude of need Help me stay awake, I'm falling... CHORUS: {soc} [F]Asleep in [C]perfect blue [Bb]buildings [F]Beside the [C]green apple [Bb]sea [F]Gonna get me a [C]little o[Bb]blivion, baby [F]Try to keep my[C]self a[Bb]way from 1.| [Dm**]me 2.|(myself and) [F]me {eoc} It's 4:30 A.M. on a Tuesday It doesn't get much worse than this In beds in little rooms in buildings in the middle of these lives which are completely meaningless Help me stay awake, I'm falling... {c:CHORUS} I got bones beneath my skin, and mister... There's a skeleton in every man's house Beneath the dust and love and sweat that hangs on everybody There's a dead man trying to get out Please help me stay awake, I'm falling... {c:CHORUS} ======================================================== Perfectbluebuildings, de Counting crows ========================================================

Gm chord
Bb chord
Dm chord
C chord
F chord
La chord

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perfectbluebuildings counting crows tab

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