tablature counting crows

Tablature anna begins - Counting Crows

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Anna Begins, Counting Crows, #2685

Counting Crows
Anna Begins

#2685 - Anna Begins Guitare
Album : August and Everything After
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@SONG: Anna Begins by the Counting Crows (Adam Duritz/David Bryson/Marty Jones/Toby Hawkins/Lydia Holly) (tabbed by Intro: ------------------------------------------------------ -----1------------------------------------------------ -------------0-------0h2------------------------------ -----------------2------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Verse is Am-Am-G-G Chorus1 is Em-C-D Chorus2 is G-C-Em-D (verse) My friend assures me, "It's all or nothing." I am not worried I am not overly concerned My friend implores me, "For one time only, Make an exception." I am not worried Wrap her up in a package of lies Send her off to a coconut island I am not worried I am not overly concerned with the status of my emotions "Oh," she says, "you're changing." But we're always changing (chrous1) It does not bother me to say this isn't love Because if you don't want to talk about it then it isn't love And I guess I'm going to have to live with that But I'm sure there's something in a shade of grey Something in between And I can always change my name If that's what you mean (verse) My friend assures me, "It's all or nothing." But I am not really worried I am not overly concerned You try to tell yourself the things you try to tell yourself To make yourself forget I am not worried (chorus1) "If it's love," she said, "then we're going to have to Think about the consequences." She can't stop shaking I can't stop touching her and (chorus2) This time when kindness falls like rain It washes her away and Anna begins to change her mind "These seconds when I'm shaking leave me shuddering for days," she says And I'm not ready for this sort of thing (verse) But I'm not going to break And I'm not going to worry about it anymore I'm not going to bend and I'm not going to break And I'm not going to worry about it anymore It seems like I should say, "As long as this is love..." But it's not all that easy so maybe I should Snap her up in a butterfly net Pin her down on a photograph album I am not worried I've done this sort of thing before (chorus1) But then I start to think about the consequences Because I don't get no sleepin a quiet room and... (chorus2) The time when kindness falls like rain It washes me away and Anna begins to change my mind And everytime she sneezes I believe it's love and Oh Lord, I'm not ready for this sort of thing (chorus2) She's talking in her sleep It's keeping me awake and Anna begins to toss and turn And every word is nonsense but I understand and Oh Lord, I'm not ready for this sort of thing (chorus2) Her kindness bangs a gong It's moving me along and Anna begins to fade away It's chasing me away She disappears and G C Am D G Oh Lord, I'm not ready for this sort of thing ======================================================== Anna begins, de Counting crows ========================================================

Am chord
C chord
G chord
D chord

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