tablature chris rea

Tablature the road to hell - Chris Rea

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The Road To Hell, Chris Rea, #2805095

Chris Rea
The Road To Hell

#2805095 - The Road To Hell Guitare
mise en tablature par queeny
sur 6 avis
Album : Grand Collection
> Plus de tabs de cet album

Play 1 - intro with Play 2 then... Am Well I'm standing by the river, Dm But the water doesn't flow. F E It boils with every poison - Am You can think of. Am And I'm underneath the street light, Dm The delight of joy I know, F E Scared beyond belief, Am Way down in the shadows. C And the perverted fear of violence, G Chokes a smile on every face, F E Common sense is ringing, out the bells. Am Dm This ain't no technological breakdown, F E Am Oh-no, this is the road to hell. ------------------ First guitar solo ------------------- C And as the roads jam up with credit, G And there's nothing you can do, F It's all just bits of paper, E Flying a way from you. Am Oh look out world take a good look, Dm Look who's down there, F E Am You must learn this lesson fast, and learn it well. Am Dm This ain't no upwardly mobile freeway, F E Oh-no, this is the road, F E This is the road, F E Am This is the road ... to hell. ------------------ Second guitar solo ------------------ ======================================================== The road to hell, de Chris rea ========================================================

Am chord
Dm chord
G chord
C chord
E chord
F chord

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The road to hell chris rea tab

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