tablature a blue ocean dream

Tablature drifting falling - A Blue Ocean Dream

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Drifting Falling, A Blue Ocean Dream, #2782759

A Blue Ocean Dream
Drifting Falling

#2782759 - Drifting Falling Guitare
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------## From: (Eric Olander) Yeah, I tabbed this out a while back. It really is pretty simple, just C, F, and G chords. I tabbed out the sax line as well, as I'm into the midi guitar thing. Have fun. -------- Drifting, Falling - The Ocean Blue Tabbed by: Eric Olander Sax intro - tabbed for guitar |------8-7---------|------8-7---------|------8-7---------|------------------| |--8-------8---8---|--8---------------|--8-------8---8---|------------------| |10----------------|10----------------|10----------------|------------------| |------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| |------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| |------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . |------8-7---------|------8-7---------|--10-8-7-8-7------|------------------| |--8-------8---8---|--8---------------|-------------8----|8-----------------| |10----------------|10----------------|---------------9--|------------------| |------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| |------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| |------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . F G F G You may find you're all alone F G F G All around you not a sound F G F G Drifting, falling on your own again F G F G The walls of cold and gray surround, they surround You may find you're by yourself Friends have all grown up and gone away Drifting, falling you can't stop yourself The walls of cold and gray surround, they surround {Note: I'm still working out the sax line that goes with this verse. It's all based on the C scale. I'll post it as soon as I figure it out unless some other kind soul has worked it and and would post it :-) } C Drifting, falling G F Watching all your dreams roll by F G They roll by C Somewhere out there G F She sees you and she sighs F G My, my, my, my, my F G F G You may find you're all alone F G F G All around you not a sound F G F G Drifting, falling on your own again F G F G The walls of cold and gray surround, they surround C Drifting, falling G F Watching all your dreams roll by F G They roll by C Somewhere out there G F She sees you and she sighs F G My, my, my, my, my ======================================================== Drifting falling, de A blue ocean dream ========================================================

G chord
C chord
F chord

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drifting falling a blue ocean dream tab

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